Who is Hercules? What are his achievements and where was he? - Janatna

Who is Hercules? What are his achievements and where was he?



Who is Hercules?

was mentioned Hercules in human history as one of the greatest and most famous leaders in history, his skill and prowess in politics and governance. The title of Hercules was given to a line of kings who ruled the Byzantine Empire at one time, and perhaps the most famous person named by this name was the Emperor who He ruled in the period since the year six hundred and eight AD (608 AD).


The appearance of Hercules coincided with the process of Islamic preaching in the Arabian Peninsula. Who is the great Hercules? What are his most notable achievements? What is his story with Islam?

- The upbringing and birth of Hercules:

Flavius ​​Augustus Heraclius was born in the year 575 AD. His father, Heraclius the Elder, was the first to establish the Heraclian dynasty. He had influence and authority with the Byzantine Emperor Maurice, who appointed him as his deputy over his kingdom in North Africa. The son of Heraclius spent most of his life before he later moved to the heart of The empire to be its new emperor who will restore glory to it after its defeat.

- Hercules' achievements:

Heraclius came to power at the beginning of the sixth century AD, when the confrontations and battles were most intense between the Byzantine state and the Persian Sassanid state. After the Romans were defeated by the Persians, Heraclius came to offer the Persians a truce under which they would pay a large tribute to the Persian state in exchange for a situation of fighting, and in this During this period, Heraclius worked to reorganize the army and mobilize the people.

He also organized the empire's resources to restore its strength again. Heraclius, with his army, attacked the Persians in the Levant and regained most of its lands. He was also able to reach Tabriz, the capital of the Sasanians, and defeat them in their homeland. The defeat of the Persians and the victory of the Romans occurred in the year 629 AD, and the Muslims rejoiced in this. Victory, because the Romans are People of the Book, while the Persians are infidel Magians.

- Heraclius and the call to Islam:

After the Islamic call was established, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was keen to send letters to Khosrau, Heraclius, and others to introduce Islam to them. He sent a letter to Heraclius asking him to convert to Islam until he became Muslim, and God would give him his reward twice. The text of the letter that the Prophet sent to Heraclius, king of the Roman Empire, It is preserved in the museum in King Hussein Mosque (Jordan).

"In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful"

From Muhammad, the servant of God and His Messenger, to Heraclius, the Great of the Romans: “Peace be upon those who follow guidance. As for what follows, I invite you with the call of Islam. Become a Muslim. May God give you your reward twice. And if you turn back, then upon you is the sin of the Arians. Say, O People of the Book, come to a common word between us and you, that we should not worship anyone but God, nor We associate nothing with Him and do not take one another as lords other than God. But if they turn away, say, “I bear witness that we are Muslims.”

Text of the letter sent to Heraclius, the Great of Rome

When the letter of the Messenger of God reached Heraclius, he read it while he was staying in Jerusalem. He had sent for Abu Sufyan bin Harb to ask him about the Prophet who had been sent to them.

Some of Heraclius’ questions to Abu Sufyan about the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him:

How does he relate to you? Abu Sufyan said: He is among us a relative.

 Heraclius said: Has any of you ever said this before him? Abu Sufyan said no.

 Heraclius said: Were any of his forefathers a king ? Abu Sufyan said: No.

 Heraclius said: Do the noblest people follow him or do the weak people follow him? Abu Sufyan said: Rather, they are weak.

 Heraclius said: Were you accusing him of lying before he said what he said? Abu Sufyan said no

 Heraclius said: What does he order you to do? Abu Sufyan said: He says, “Worship God alone and do not associate anything with Him, and abandon what your fathers say.” He commands us to pray, be truthful, chastity, and maintain ties.


Historical accounts indicate that Heraclius almost converted to Islam and believed in his call to Islam, had it not been for his fear of his priests and those around him who hated the Arabs intensely. Heraclius died in the year 641 AD after witnessing the defeat of the Romans in Yarmouk and their departure from it in the year 636 AD.

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